A habit can be thought of as...

a behaviour, a set of actions, that you establish -

- often through repeated action within a given scenario or setting (context).

Habits become ingrained when you associate certain actions with a scenario -

- and can be triggered by signs (cues) that you easily connect to those scenarios.
What does a habit mean to you?
- Are you aware of your own habits?
- Do you know what can trigger your habits (cues)?
- Do you have habits that significantly affect your wellbeing (either in a positive or negative way)?
- Are there any habits that you would like to change?
Gardner, B., Lally, P. and Wardle, J. (2012) 'Making health habitual: the psychology of ‘habit-formation’ and general practice', British Journal of General Practice, 62 (605), pp. 664-666. Available at: https://doi.org/10.3399/bjgp12X659466

Thought-provoking snippets
Habits | Part of the Skills for Study Shorts series.

Thought-provoking snippets
Habits | Part of the Skills for Study Shorts series.
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