Checklist for a suitable workspace

Person using a laptop on a desk

Having the right space to study can support you both physically and mentally when working.

Select the statements below as points to complete, or consider, when creating a study space that works for you.

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Having the right space to study can support you both physically and mentally when working.  

Have a go at using the following checklist to give you some ways to organise your study space.

  • I have a dedicated study space, used just for study 
  • I keep a clean, pleasant and inviting space for study
  • I keep everything I need for my studies in one place 
  • I have a desk or surface where I can spread out my work 
  • I have a good chair that supports my back 
  • I work in good light, such as near a window 
  • I have a good reading lamp 
  • Surfaces are cleared and ‘de-cluttered’