Break large tasks into manageable chunks
The pages below:
- Help you to take ownership of key tasks, as you work towards a bigger goal
- Encourage you to commit by using the schedule function to place items into your calendar
- Give you the key information you need to get started and produce high-quality work
- Include templates which help you to apply ideas and strategies when working on your own assignments
What do you need to do?
Map out your use of time
Track how much time you spend on study activities to help focus your efforts and make better use of time
Assignment: plan backwards from deadlines
Identify how much time you have for each part of your assignment to set realistic milestones along the way
Make notes when reading books
Be selective and note down just what you need
Plan your essay: structure
Set out what you aim to achieve and the sort of content to include in each part of your essay
Plan your case study: structure
Set out what you aim to achieve and the sort of content to include in each part of your case study
Get started with writing
Try different techniques to release yourself from being stuck in a writing rut
Write up your argument
Argue a point of view by demonstrating why your position stands up to scrutiny
Review and organise your notes for an exam
Sort, distil and organise your revision notes to remind you of material covered and reinforce your memory of it