Request a trial

We offer free access to Skills for Study for a month, so you can take a closer look. Setting up a free trial is easy and there’s no obligation to purchase.

If you’re ready to set up a trial, please email us at:

We’ll be in touch to get you up and running. Access will be arranged via standard authentication routes such as Single Sign On (Shibboleth or OpenAthens) or LTI access for VLE/LMS Integration.

We regret that trial access is not available to individual students, only to universities and colleges who are considering a subscription. If you are a student, please log in here.

Image people walking down flight of stairs

We offer free access to Skills for Study for a month, so you can take a closer look. Setting up a free trial is easy and there’s no obligation to purchase.

If you’re ready to set up a trial, please email us at:

We’ll be in touch to get you up and running. Access will be arranged via standard authentication routes such as Single Sign On (Shibboleth or OpenAthens) or LTI access for VLE/LMS Integration.

We regret that trial access is not available to individual students, only to universities and colleges who are considering a subscription. If you are a student, please log in here.