Checklist for a holistic approach to studying

Person sitting on sofa

How balanced is your approach to study?

Select the statements below as points to complete, or consider, when measuring your entire study process for an upcoming deadline.

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Find out how to organise your time using the topic: How should I use my study time.

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Learn how to focus on tasks using the topic Focusing attention.

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Explore areas that you would like develop using the Employability and personal development module.

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Take time to account for your professional development using the topic: Planning your future.

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Discover some ways that you can support your mental health, by visiting our Mental health collection.

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Measure your overall approach to studying to support with your management of assignment deadlines.

  • I spend the right amount of time on study 
  • I am fully engaged in what I am doing in the moment 
  • I put time into my broader development 
  • I plan towards time after my course 
  • I take care of my general well-being