The importance of knowing your audience
Yes, it's very important in your preparation to know your audience.
Do your research. Find out about them.
- What level are they at?
- What are their interests?
- What do they really want to know about?
And the more you know your audience, the more you're able to connect with them, to give them the kind of message they want, at the level they want.
Think about your vocabulary
This is very relevant in the university situation because in your essays your dissertations, your theses, by all means have long words, nice and Latinate, big long sentences, very impressive and there.
But, when you're speaking to a live audience, it's been proved
time and time again, that short words reveal confidence and clear thinking.
And long words just reveal the opposite, and it's very easy, particularly for people, for students working in English as a second language to be intimidating into thinking: 'If I use long words, I'll sound as if I've nailed this language. I'll sound more intelligent, more sophisticated.'
Believe me, it's the opposite.
And, the best speakers use very simple language.
It's not about dumbing down or anything like that. It's just expressing yourself clearly.
In summary
- Always research your audience in advance
- The more you know about them, the more you're able to connect with them
- And then frame your presentation to that to them