Why you should believe in yourself


Back yourself. Have confidence. Make sure you give the audience, and yourself, a good time.


Why you should believe in yourself

Natasha [Skills for Study editor]:

If there was just one thing you wanted a student to know before they were given their presentation. What would it be? 

Ken Rea [Professor of Theatre]:

That's a difficult question [both laugh].

To believe in yourself, to believe in your ideas, to have confidence that you have done the work you have done the preparation, and then make it interesting, and even if possible, exciting for the audience.

Because you know, when you stand up in front of a group of people, you are part of a long tradition and heritage, that goes back thousands of years to the storytellers who narrated Homer's epic. 
That's about a person fascinating an audience, taking them on a journey and making them want to know what comes next. And if you can remember that that you are part of that tradition or that legacy, it can give you a kind of humble dignity. 

And to say that: "OK, this is an important moment and I am honoured to be here. Inspiring you or exciting you with the information and the work that I have done. And I hope you'll have a good time."